Nikon D850

Nikon F2

The moment before a sound


A story visiting my sister in the USA
It’s the beginning of March 2022 and Sweden is still cold. I arrived in a humid LAX and took a buss to Santa Barbera. I jumped in a cab in Santa Barbera, and att a red light a scared dog barked at us. Me my sister her roomate and their dog whent on some adventures. We went do LA to look at a car because their hade just broken down on the way home form Stagecoach Festival. No luck though. My sister had a catering job at a wedding, and forced me to come there and work (not realy 😀 They were shortstaffed so I took the jobb.) Lovely winyard and perfekt weather. I served French 75s and Dirty margaritas.
This trip was a mixture of sun and clouds, I was using my standard equipment. Nikon F2 and Nikon D850. Moving fast in a car trying to stop the moment. Day time driving close to a cloudy beach with people, birds and lovely cars. At night along a quiet black highway with a dark ocean view. The light is fully condensed in the rapid car lights, signs and buildings. Like liquid patterns melting across the road.
Nikkor 28mm f2.0
Nikkor 35-70mm f3.3-4.5 AF
Nikkor 105mm f2.8 Macro
Nikkor 50mm f2.0

Sven Edgar Mauritz Christians Bö